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Know the range of uPVC Doors and Windows available at Ventilia

Know the range of uPVC doors and windows available at Ventilia

UPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) doors and windows are becoming increasingly popular because of their numerous benefits.

First and foremost, UPVC is a highly durable and long-lasting material. UPVC windows and doors are resistant to rot, warping, and fading, making them an excellent choice for residential and commercial properties. They require very little maintenance, and their longevity is a cost-effective option in the long run.

Second, UPVC is an energy-efficient material. UPVC windows and doors are designed to keep the heat inside your home during the winter and the cool air inside during the summer. This helps to reduce energy costs and makes your home more comfortable.

Third, UPVC is a very secure material. UPVC doors and windows are equipped with multi-point locking systems that make it difficult for intruders to break in. This is especially beneficial for homes in high-crime areas.

Fourth, UPVC is a very low-maintenance material. UPVC windows and doors are easy to clean and don’t require painting or staining. This is a significant advantage over traditional wooden windows and doors, which require regular maintenance to keep them in good condition.

UPVC windows and doors are an excellent choice for those looking for a durable, energy-efficient, secure, low-maintenance and aesthetically pleasing option for their home or office. Not only do they provide excellent value for money in the long run, but they also increase the property’s overall appeal.

Ventilia’s uPVC Windows

There are several types of uPVC windows, each with unique features and benefits.

Sliding windows
Sliding windows are a type of uPVC window designed to slide horizontally along a track. These windows are typically made up of two or more sashes, with one sash remaining stationary while the other(s) slide along the path. This design allows for easy operation and ventilation, as the window can be easily opened and closed with minimal effort. Sliding windows are also an excellent option for areas where space is limited, as they only take up a little space when they are open.

Sliding UPVC Windows - Ventilia

Center sliding windows
Center Sliding Windows are another type of uPVC window similar to traditional sliding windows but with a critical difference. Instead of one sash remaining stationary while the other slides, both sashes in the centre sliding windows move along the track. This design allows for even more excellent ventilation and easy operation. They are also available in larger sizes and perfect for those areas where the standard-size sliding window would not fit.

Center Sliding UPVC Windows - Ventilia

French Windows
French windows, also known as French doors, are a type of uPVC window comprised of two panels that open outwards. These windows are often used as a primary entrance to a home or patio and are characterized by their distinctive aesthetic. They’re an exquisite option for those looking for something more traditional. French windows often feature a built-in locking mechanism that provides a high level of security. They also can come in different sizes like single, double or triple glass panes.

French UPVC Windows - Ventilia

Tilt and Turn Windows
Tilt and turn windows are a type of uPVC window that can be opened in two different ways: by tilting the top of the sash inwards for ventilation or turning the entire sash inwards for cleaning. This design allows for greater versatility and ease of use and is particularly useful for areas that are difficult to reach, such as upper floors or high-rise buildings. They can be opened to a small degree to release the stale air from the room or extended to a 90-degree angle, making it easy to clean the windows from the inside of the room.

Tilt and Turn UPVC Windows - Ventilia

It’s important to note that all these windows come in various styles and designs, which homeowners can choose based on their preferences and needs. Additionally, all these types of windows can be customized to fit any specific opening or architectural requirement, making them versatile.

Ventilia’s uPVC Doors

Several types of UPVC doors are available on the market, each with unique features and benefits.

Sliding Door: A sliding door is a door that moves horizontally along a track. These doors are an excellent option for homes with limited space, as they do not take up any additional room. Sliding doors are also accessible as ABC and can be fitted with various locking mechanisms for added security.

Sliding UPVC Doors - Ventilia

Center Sliding Door: A centre sliding door is a type of sliding door that is designed to open from the centre rather than from one side. This allows for easy access to the door from both sides, making it an excellent option for homes with high traffic. Center sliding doors are also often used as a partition between rooms.

Center Sliding UPVC Doors - Ventilia

3-Panel Sliding Door: A 3-panel sliding door is a type of sliding door made up of three panels that can be moved along a track. This allows the homeowner to open or close the door as needed while providing increased security and privacy.

3 Panel Sliding UPVC Doors - Ventilia

Casement Door: A door is attached to its frame by one or more hinges. The door is opened by turning a handle, which causes the door to swing outwards. Casement doors are an excellent option for homes with limited space, as they do not take up any additional room when opened. They also provide better ventilation, which is beneficial during summertime.

Casement UPVC Doors - Ventilia

Combination Door: A combination door is a type of door that combines the features of a sliding door and a casement door. It consists of a sliding section and one or more casement sections. This allows the homeowner to open or close the door as needed while providing increased security and privacy.

Combination UPVC Doors - Ventilia

French Door: A French door is a type of door that has glass panels that extend the entire length of the door. French doors are an excellent option for homes that want to let in natural light and are also great for connecting indoor and outdoor spaces. They usually have double panes of glass for better insulation and to provide more natural light.

French UPVC Doors - Ventilia

Overall, the type of UPVC door you choose will depend on your personal preferences and your home’s specific needs and requirements. Whether you opt for a sliding door, a centre sliding door, a three-panel sliding door, a casement door, a combination door or a french door, you can be sure that you are making a solid investment in a durable, low-maintenance and energy-efficient door that will stand the test of time.

Ventilia offers a wide range of high-quality uPVC doors and windows tailored to your needs. To know more, give us a call at 77708 33308.

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